Woodward Current to Pressure Converter
Woodward Current to Pressure Converter CPC-II Woodward's second generation current-to-pressure converters (CPC-II) 10 bar, Zone 2, redundant version with enhanced dynamics are electrohydraulic pressure regulating control valves used to position single-acting steam turbine valve servos/actuators. The CPC-II solves one of the industries number one reliability issue of oil contamination affecting equipment uptime and performance. The CPC-II accepts 4-20 mA pressure demand signals and accurately controls oil pressure to precisely position single-acting steam turbine governor-valves. Precise and stable steam valve control directly relates to improved steam turbine speed and load control and reduced system mechanical wear. Features: Oil contamination resistant (ISO20/16) Precise fluid pressure control Stable & linear valve control Included valve linearization table (Full range <0.2%) Redundant inputs/sensors for critical applications Accepts signals from redu...